What are cosmeceutical products?

June 27th, 2022 Posted In: Beauty

The difference between skin products  and skin cosmeceutical products

By Jane Clark of Country Practice

“Cosmeceutical products are designed to have long-term and very specific effects on your skin and they can achieve this because they do travel into the deeper skin layers.”

Purchasing skincare products can be confusing, especially when everything that is available on the shelves promises great things!

At Country Practice we offer the holistic approach to all things, and that includes our facial treatments.  We blend pure essential oils into base oil for our facial massages and use natural products for exfoliation too.

We also use natural cosmeceutical products for our prescriptive treatments, and I thought it would be interesting to explain the difference between skin products and cosmeceutical products.

When you buy a beauty skin product, it is backed by science to alter something, for instance the appearance of fine lines, therefore it will alter the external appearance and feel of your skin.  However, it will only do this for a very short period because it does not travel into the deeper skin layers.

Cosmeceutical products are designed to have long-term and very specific effects on your skin and they can achieve this because they do travel into the deeper skin layers.

Most everyday skincare products do not have ‘active’ ingredients while cosmeceutical products do.   The amount and quality of ingredients is vastly different.

Within skincare products can be comedogenic oils, artificial fragrances, parabens and silicon to extend shelf life and/or give the products a nice feel and aroma.

Cosmeceutical products have active ingredients and need to be used with care, better still under the guidance of someone who is trained to advise on the way to achieve best results.

Skincare is changing rapidly to meet the demands of consumers who do not want to be fobbed off with false promises or who seek something that has a longer term advantage without taking the fillers, Botox or surgical route.

It is great fun to try new products, but a cautionary word should be added that although the cosmeceutical products do achieve superb results, they really must be treated with great respect – remember the word ‘active’ – those ingredients can’t be switched off once they have been set to work, so if a regime is recommended, stick to it for optimum results.