Country Practice – St Margaret’s Holistic Therapies - Blog

Cherry recipes from Country Practice Faversham

All hail the fabulous cherry!

Why cherries are good for you Cherries are a fabulous fruit.  Low in calories, full of fibre, packed full of vitamins and minerals and all sorts of other ‘good for

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Chocolate face mask recipes from Country Practice at Brogdale

Chocolate Face Masks

Why is chocolate so good for your skin?   Chocolate face masks can be effective if you have an oily skin.  Cocoa and honey are strong antioxidants, reducing free radicals that

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Your gut – the unsung hero

Your gut – the unsung hero  The gut is something else that works very hard and is taken for granted. It plays tricks to try and get your attention. It

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Gut friendly recipes  

This time of year is perfect for enjoying soups! You can use local, seasonal, earthy ingredients for warming and healthy dishes. Following our theme of taking care of your gut,

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Winter Warmer Recipes

Hearty Soup Recipes This is the time of year when soup becomes the best comfort food. As we head into winter, we’d like to share some recipes that are sure

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