March 7th, 2023 Posted In: Uncategorised
Women are amazing. We are multi-tasking, multi-functional, learn how to adapt and survive numerous situations, and remain throughout nurturing and caring, thoughtful and kind.
Some women are driven to force change. We need women like this, and they should be admired and respected. Such women make huge personal sacrifices in an attempt to make the World a better place in which to live.
What makes these women so special? Not only their drive and dedication, but the fact that sadly, despite the best efforts of both women and some men, in the main, we live in a male dominated World, where society does not fully recognise the value or full potential of women.
But I would like to stress – ALL WOMEN ARE AMAZING. So, whether you are struggling to get children to school without breakfast down their uniforms whilst wrestling a toddler into pull-ups, sitting on a train, already working on your computer preparing for the day ahead, on a gruelling shift at work that is making more demands than it should, nursing a relative or disabled child, grieving the loss of a loved one, getting on with the drudge of another unrewarding day, whatever you are doing, remember, you are unique, you are already enough!
While appreciating our own value, let’s take further inspiration from some women who have made a huge difference to the lives of others:
This lady was the first recorded female millionaire in the USA. This is very special as she was a black woman. She was born into poverty, married to escape it but found herself in a violent situation. After the death of her first husband, she suffered from stress that led to hair loss. She developed a treatment for hair loss and set up her own manufacturing plant. She went on to employ over 40,000 women, and as her company grew, so did her philanthropic involvement within the black, female community. Madam Walker set up the National Negro Cosmetics Association. She was active in the anti-lynching movement and upon her death, left most of her wealth to schools and charities to enable them to continue her philanthropic work.
Born into a poor family in Poland, eventually she was forced to study through a secret university (The Flying University), as women were not allowed to study at conventional seats of learning. She began her scientific training in 1890 in Poland, later moving to Paris where she further pursued her training and through her involvement with metals’ research became absorbed in research that led on from the discovery of x-rays. In 1909/1910 Marie Curie succeeded in isolating radium.
This lady had her first book published at the age of 11. She was both blind and deaf but that did not stop her from becoming a political activist and advocate for the disabled. Educated at Harvard, she spent her life writing and travelling, bringing to the attention of communities all over the world the importance of education and opportunity for people who were deaf blind.
This lady was an Indian political activist. She was at the forefront for releasing India from Imperial rule. She was a freedom fighter, writer and poet, becoming a literary laureate, promoting women’s rights and depicting life in India through her poetry.
I chose these ladies because, if you look at the dates, they were born into times when little girl babies were not cause for celebration. The role of women was strictly defined and to break free from the confines of their community was not only unpopular but potentially dangerous.
Bringing things right up to date, we don’t have to look far to see or hear about women who have become successful in their chosen careers. There are so many opportunities available to women, and although most women accept that there is still a lot of work to be done to fully realise and release the potential in women, we have come a long way and should be proud of that.
Recognising, without arrogance, just how magnificent each and every one of us as women are, is a good starting point to consider how we can bring about change in every area of life that can contribute towards the good of all. Within us, as women, is every skill, ability, gift and talent that, when coupled with women’s intuitive instincts, is a powerful force for good.